Creation of IT hubs in the regions discussed in Astana Hub
On May 5, Astana Hub hosted an online round table with the participation of the founders of regional IT hubs, representatives of universities, as well as the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The meeting was moderated by the Director General of the international technopark of IT startups Astana Hub Magzhan Madiyev.

In his welcoming speech, Magzhan Madiyev noted that Astana Hub is a platform that encourages the dissemination of experience, transfer of knowledge, technologies among the entire IT community, so there are a lot of opportunities to support regional IT hubs. At the same time, it is impossible to create regional IT hubs without the active participation of local IT entrepreneurs and other community members.
"This task has a high priority. In 2020, we launched incubation in 12 regions of Kazakhstan, the IT hub of the Terricon Valley in the Karaganda region was supported, and in February 2022 we visited Semey on the initiative of the local community. I would like to continue this work, especially since there is a big trend for relocation now," Magzhan Madiyev said. According to him, companies that move to Kazakhstan have great expertise in building business processes, business models, and it, in turn, can help local IT entrepreneurs. The Astana Hub is the conductor of this knowledge.
Alexander Doroshenko, co-founder of the fintech company Wooppay, initiator of the Terricon Valley hub in Karaganda, as well as the rector of Alikhan Bokeikhan University in Semey, Shyryn Kurmanbayeva, told about their own experience in creating regional IT hubs.
The discussion was also attended by the project manager of the Abai IT-Valley technology cluster in Semey, Askhat Beisembayev, CEO of Danabek Kaliazharov, director of the SunITyWeb Studio, lecturer of the Kozybaev University ICT Department Ivan Bukhonin, Rector of Kozybaev University in Petropavlovsk Yerlan Shulanov, Rector of Aktobe University named after S. Baishev Bauyrzhan Tashmukhambetov, Director of the Development Department Information and Information and Communication Technologies of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ermanov Yersultan.
Global statistics show that only 1 startup out of 10 succeeds. According to Magzhan Madiev, for the sustainable development of the IT industry, it is important both to have special platforms and the activity of local IT communities.
Watch the full recording of the broadcast on the Astana Hub Youtube channel.
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