20 Polish Companies Eye Kazakhstan Market with Astana Hub's Support

Astana Hub, the largest international technology park in Central Asia, is currently in discussions with around 20 Polish companies interested in operating in Kazakhstan, Andrzej Szurek, author of the ZEWschodu blog, told ISBnews. He emphasized that Kazakhstan, a country that has experienced rapid digital transformation in recent years, is keen to attract Polish tech companies.

“Kazakhstan offers numerous incentives for new technologies. For instance, tech companies registered with Astana Hub, the largest technology park in Central Asia, are exempt from corporate taxes,” Szurek noted.

Astana Hub currently hosts about 1,500 residents, most of which are companies from Kazakhstan. However, nearly 400 are international companies, including those from Europe and the United States. The park is home to companies working in artificial intelligence, cloud computing, marketplaces, big data, digital security, blockchain, the Internet of Things, virtual reality, gaming technologies, fintech, and robotics. Astana Hub also houses specialized technology centers, including the 5G Center, GameDev Center, Blockchain Center, and SpaceTech Center.

"One of the key advantages of operating within Kazakhstan's digital ecosystem is access to IT talent. The local government runs a special program called Tech Orda, which supports private programming schools by offering educational vouchers, allowing individuals to acquire new skills at the programming school of their choice,” Szurek added.

Astana Hub has also established a presence in Poland. During Kazakhstan IT Week, held in Poland this summer, there was significant interest from Polish tech companies in expanding to Kazakhstan, which could serve as a gateway for these firms to further penetrate the Central Asian markets. Astana Hub CEO Mazhan Madiyev estimated that, within the next 12 months, dozens of Polish tech companies could establish a presence in Kazakhstan.

Read more at inwestycje.pl.

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