Chingiz Kulakhmetov: we improve the life of our native city together with Astana Hub
We continue to introduce you to the heroes of Smart City Accelerator Almaty - a joint training program between Astana Hub and the Almaty City Administration. Smart City Accelerator is a project where startups solve problems in the urban environment with the help of new technologies. Our guest is Chingiz Kulakhmetov, founder and CEO of Med365.

Chingiz, tell us about your startup. Why did you and your colleagues choose medtech?
- Med365 is an automated medical examination system. Initially, the idea was to solve health problems with the help of smart technologies. In the process of development, we realized that we were becoming a full-fledged organization in the field of medical services, since in order to conduct our activities and produce equipment, we received medical licenses, certificates, registration certificates, etc. Today our device is a medical product.
Tell us about your team. Are you collaborating with healthcare professionals?
- In addition to me, there are programmers, sales specialists, an accountant in the team - there are 15 of us in total. There are no doctors in the state, but we work closely with professionals in this field. In the course of our work, we consult with doctors and conduct clinical trials together.
Now you are participating in the Smart City Accelerator Almaty program. How do you plan to adapt your product to the needs of the city?
- Almaty is my hometown and I would like to contribute to its social welfare. The accelerator from Astana Hub provides just such an opportunity with the practical application of its product. We work with transport organizations to provide a quick and accurate medical examination of personnel, which, in turn, helps to ensure the safety of transportation. In addition, we work with manufacturing plants with harsh working conditions, where employees are also required to undergo daily inspections. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Kazakhstan, about one and a half million people are employed in this area. Every day they undergo a medical examination. Today, we have six vehicles in Almatyelectrotrans LLP, where about 1000-1200 drivers go on flights every day.
How did your invention improve these businesses?
- The classic format of passing a medical examination takes about 8-10 minutes. Imagine 500 drivers who have to be examined at the same time in one hour, and 5-6 nurses who conduct the examination. We have achieved that this process takes only 1 minute and 10 seconds and eliminates the human factor.
Have there been cases where your system has already prevented a potential accident: for example, the driver came to work in a state of intoxication or with a temperature?
- Since this is confidential information, all data remains in the employer's database.
What new things did you take for yourself on the accelerator? Are there any new targets associated with Med365?
- On the project we get a lot of useful information. First of all, the accelerator is useful for us by the opportunity to interact with experts who share their experience in business processes with us. Today our goal is to scale the project.
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