Sprinting to the Finish Line: How 4LMNTS is Revolutionising International Marathon Access for Kazakhstani Runners

In 2023, the Almaty Marathon drew an impressive 14,000 amateur runners, according to its official website. This substantial turnout, along with the popularity of similar events across Kazakhstan, highlights a burgeoning enthusiasm for running among Kazakhstanis. However, taking this passion to an international level presents challenges.

Janat Turgumbaev, an avid amateur runner, faced this very issue when he aspired to join the Big Six marathons. His solution? Making these international races accessible for his fellow countrymen. Thus, he founded the travel agency 4LMNTS, which secures slots for international competitions and manages all travel arrangements for its clients. As part of the "100 Startup Stories of Kazakhstan" initiative, Janet shared the trials, prospects, and experiences of his startup.

"100 Startup Stories of Kazakhstan" is a collaborative project between Er10 Media and Astana Hub. We shine a spotlight on the achievements of Kazakhstani startups and feature the most exciting projects. Our stories include participants from Astana Hub and other innovative tech products and services, all published in Kazakh, Russian, and English.

Read more details on the website er10.kz.

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