Investments are real!
Have you heard about investment funds, but did not believe in their transparency? We talked to the founder of one of these funds, - Alibek Narimbai, and found out how it works!

The Found, or, as its founders call it, the entrepreneurial investment club, aims not only to conduct transactions, but also to create a community of young businessmen. Every Saturday there are meetings where startups exchange experience, as well as speak to potential investors. In six months, 9 companies have already successfully attracted investments.
Among them: Relog (raised $100,000), IstokHome ($100,000), Knowledge of the world ($120,000), ($5,000) and others. And just the other day, the first domestic car auction raised $208,000! This is one of the biggest deals in the club to date
According to Alibek, the idea of creating your own community following the example of Silicon Valley turned out to be very successful, since in an informal setting people open up more easily and establish useful connections. According to statistics, it takes no more than a month for a startup to conclude one transaction.
Since more and more applications have been received recently, the organizers had to introduce a kind of “filter". Before entering the club, the startup fills out an application and, if it meets the selection criteria, gets to a self-presentation (pitch deck). Investors are also selected.
In addition, one of Alibek's personal startups, BIOMETRIC LLP, has been a resident of Astana Hub since 2018, has repeatedly won various republican and international IT startup competitions.
Recall that all participants of the international technopark of IT startups Astana Hub receive tax preferences. Preferences exempt participants from paying taxes such as CPN, VAT, VAT on imports of goods, royalty tax, IPN and social tax for non-residents. Such a measure of state support allows IT companies to reinvest the saved funds in the development of their projects.
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