Magzhan Madiev was awarded the medal «Ерен еңбегі үшін»
On December 15, on the eve of the Independence Day of the country, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the CEO of the international technopark of IT startups Magzhan Madiev received a state award from the hands of the Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry Bagdat Musin.

The medal "For Labor Distinction" is awarded to citizens for labor achievements in the economy, social sphere, science, culture and public service. Among the award recipients are prominent figures of culture, science, education, healthcare, representatives of the manufacturing sector, business, law enforcement officers, military personnel, athletes, war and labor veterans.
Medal "For Labor Distinction" (kaz. Eren enbegi ushin) is a state award of the Republic of Kazakhstan, established on the basis of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Awards of the Republic of Kazakhstan" dated December 12, 1995, No. 2676.
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Улжан Атькен · Dec. 24, 2021 08:05
Достойный, свободно мыслящий и работающий человек
Aibek Prenov · Dec. 15, 2021 17:10
Поздравляю! отличная работа
Magzhan Madiyev · Dec. 17, 2021 22:31