Ministry of Digital Development Launches Applications for Free Training under the Tech Orda Program
The Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation, and Aerospace Industry of Kazakhstan has announced the commencement of applications for free training under the Tech Orda program.

The Tech Orda program offers a unique opportunity for all citizens of Kazakhstan aged 18 to 45 to acquire IT professions. In the current year 2023, 219 courses from 83 leading private IT schools in the country are available. Applications are accepted until September 11, 2023.
Implemented at Astana Hub, the Tech Orda program aims to develop human capital in the field of information technology. It covers a full range of priority sectors, including web development, 3D design, software engineering, mobile application development, as well as areas such as Big Data and Blockchain. The training is conducted in both the state and Russian languages, with the duration varying from 6 months to 2 years.
"President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev has set the task of training no fewer than 100,000 IT specialists by 2025. As the body responsible for the development of the digital industry, we plan, within the Tech Orda program, to train 20,000 IT specialists through domestic private IT schools specializing in the education of qualified personnel," emphasized Bagdat Mussin, Minister of Digital Development, Innovation, and Aerospace Industry of Kazakhstan.
This year's results indicate increased activity among market participants, heightened competition, and improved quality of education in the IT field. In 2023, the Tech Orda program received 102 applications from domestic IT schools, of which 83 were selected to participate. In contrast, in 2022, an independent commission reviewed 71 applications and selected 49 participating schools that offered 146 courses.
For those aspiring to join the Tech Orda program, the portal showcases IT schools with a full list of schools and courses. Applications are accepted until September 11, 2023. Additional information can be obtained from the selected IT school or by calling 2222.
It is worth noting that in 2021, the pilot phase of the Tech Orda program covered 100 students from across Kazakhstan, providing them with financial support of 600,000 tenge each. In 2022, the Tech Orda program was scaled up, and over 3,000 Kazakhs received vouchers for free training. This year, around 3,000 vouchers for training in information technology specialties have also been allocated under the Tech Orda program.
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Алия Амантай · Sept. 6, 2023 12:41
Частные школы не дают возможность обучаться всем, кто подал заявку, отбирают по своему усмотрению В чём тогда смысл данной программы, если идёт дискриминация по каким-либо признакам и нет равной возможности у всех желающих?
Гульнар Абеугазы · Aug. 30, 2023 23:44
Сәлеметсіз бе! Курска калай жазылса болады?
Бауыржан Амангелдіұлы · Aug. 30, 2023 21:27
Курсқа қалай жазылуға болады
Биржан Сагандыков · Aug. 30, 2023 18:37
Здравствуйте как записатся на курсы по гос программе ? +77770277766 мой телефон для связи.,🤝🏻
Биржан Сагандыков · Aug. 30, 2023 18:36
Здравствуйте как записатся на курсы ?
Раиса Турлыбаева · Aug. 30, 2023 16:35
Здравствуйте, как можно получить консультацию?
школа 8 Гульнур Айтимова · Aug. 29, 2023 18:08
Tech Orda курсына қалай жазылуға болады?