First conference to take place in the metaverse: Organization of Turkic States are exploring the potential for developing the Turkic Metaverse concept

On March 28, 2024, the first conference in the metaverse was held as part of the Digitalization Center of the Organization of Turkic States. This unique event aimed to showcase the advancements and development potential of the Turkic Metaverse concept.

The metaverse is recognized as a collective virtual space dispersed throughout the digital universe, extending beyond the boundaries of conventional virtual worlds. This transformative concept has the capacity to revolutionize our digital interactions and reshape our reality.

“The goal of the Turkic Metaverse project is to build a virtual environment that reflects the culture, history, and architecture of Turkic-speaking nations. This enables users to connect with the region's rich heritage and foster a stronger sense of community among the people of Turkic states,” noted Tanat Uskembayev, Managing Director of Astana Hub.

Representatives of the Organization of Turkic States and technoparks from participating countries, including Astana Hub (Kazakhstan), Bilkent Cyberpark (Turkey), High Technology Park (Kyrgyzstan), and Sabah Hub (Azerbaijan), were present at the conference. The event also featured a panel session where speakers discussed the potential of the Turkic Metaverse project and the opportunities for using the metaverse as a platform for dialogue, cooperation, and knowledge exchange.

Attendees had the opportunity to explore innovative solutions presented by startups and technoparks and interact with their representatives. Special attention was drawn to the yurt created by Almaty-based 3D artist Farhad Nigmatullin, symbolizing the potential of the metaverse in preserving and disseminating cultural heritage. The support for artists and their interest in exchanging works demonstrate how the metaverse can serve as an excellent platform for integrating art and digital innovations.

The Turkic Metaverse project is deployed on the Vargates platform, an interactive 3D universe that provides users with a unique communication and learning experience. Vargates provides the opportunity to meet, share knowledge and create unique content in an interactive 3D environment.

"Our goal is to create a space based on open standards where people can freely communicate and share their knowledge in an interactive 3D environment," added Alexandr Mazurenko, Director of DreamLight.

To visit and explore the location, technoparks, and startups, you can install the Vargates platform via the following link and choose the 1st OTS Conference location.

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