Startup Zan.Bar, a resident of Astana Hub, launched a joint project with DB "Sberbank" JSC
This is the first collaboration of a domestic startup with a second-tier bank

This is the first collaboration of a domestic startup with a second-tier bank
Kazakhstan startup Zan.Bar to search for lawyers together with DB Sberbank JSC has launched a project that will provide clients with care. The domestic startup cooperates with the second-tier bank. Now, customers of the bank who have received a notification about the blocking of their account will see a link to download the application with the inscription "Legal Assistance can be provided in the Zan.Bar service”.
According to Zan.Bar representatives, the new solution will help bank customers quickly find a lawyer and resolve the issue of opening an account: "what should a person do when they see a message about the blocking of their account instead of information about the amount on the card? The reasons can be different: an administrative fine, tax arrears, etc.according to the usual scenario, a person is looking for a lawyer who can quickly solve the problem of blocking. It is known that the search for such a specialist takes a lot of time. The services of a lawyer are also not cheap, and the result depends on the level of unverified competence. Even if you find a professional through the recommendations of your friends, in your case this does not mean that it will solve the problem. In legal matters, too, there are many situations related to internal specialization."
The Zan.Bar service has been operating since May 2020.currently, more than 1,000 lawyers and lawyers from all over Kazakhstan are active users of the app. "The functionality of the Bekzat mobile app is very simple. When applying to the application, the client leaves a statement describing his problem and responsibilities when searching for a lawyer, and a response is received in accordance with the interests of the client. It will only take a few minutes, because specialists will be able to immediately see the request online, " Zan.Bar added
In addition, according to representatives of the startup, The Zan.Bar mobile app has a rating system for lawyers. Users will be able to view the full list of specialists who responded, Go to the page of any of them, get acquainted with their resume, find out about their education, experience, specialization, qualifications, place in the rating and, accordingly, choose the right specialist for them. That is, the search time for a lawyer lasts only a few minutes, and their professionalism is guaranteed by the Zan.Bar service, which carefully checks each candidate during the registration of specialists.
We remind that Zan.Bar startup is a member of the international Technopark of IT startups Astana Hub. All participants of the Technopark will receive tax benefits. Preferences exempt participants from paying taxes such as CIT, VAT, VAT on the import of goods, royalties, IP, and social tax for non-residents. Thanks to such a measure of State Support, IT companies will have the opportunity to reinvest the saved funds in the development of their projects.
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