Kazakhstan will host Digital Bridge 2022 - the main IT event in Central Asia.

On September 28-29, the annual Digital Bridge International Technology Forum will be held in the capital of Kazakhstan. This year the theme of the Forum is "Central Eurasia as a new tech platform."

The Forum program will include large-scale events like a Startup Alley and an exhibition of technoparks from different countries. There will also be an exhibition of IT schools, an IT job fair, the Astana Hub Battle competition, VR, GameDev platforms, and an offline TikTok platform for startups. The intensive business program consists of 45 panel sessions, where leading international experts will discuss topical questions in the IT world. More than 5,000 guests, more than 300 IT companies, 200 speakers worldwide, and 70 investors are expected.

More than 100 projects will be able to participate in the Startup Alley. It will be a unique opportunity for them to increase the visibility of their projects and find investors. Also, the annual Astana Hub Battle of Tech Startups will take place at the Forum venue. The best startups will receive cash cheques for developing their IT product in the amount of $10,000 for 1st place, $5,000 for 2nd place, and $3,000 for 3rd place.

The list of participants of the Forum will be the most representative in its history. The global IT community's interest in the Forum confirms that Digital Bridge has become an effective discussion platform where opinion leaders can converse on developing new technologies in the face of global change.

"This Digital Bridge forum will be distinguished by its scale and may become the largest IT event in Kazakhstan. We expect the participation of leaders of the world's leading IT companies and advanced startups of the OTG and Central Asian countries. I am sure that the Forum will give a new impetus to the developing of IT technologies in the region, opening up new horizons and opportunities for startups in the countries participating in the event. Together with leaders in IT, we will raise the most pressing technology issues and discuss innovative solutions. It is safe to say that Digital Bridge has already become a digital bridge uniting all those involved in the promotion of digital ideas," said Bagdat Musin, Minister of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 

The organizers are the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana City Akimat, and Astana hub, an international technopark of IT startups.

General sponsor of the Forum - Kaspi.kz. Sponsors and partners - Kazakhtelecom, Freedom bank, Tengizchevroil, My Car, Tech culture, Huawei, G42, Halyk Bank, Bigroup, Prime source, Glovo, SF, Leica, BI Group, OneWeb, Citix.

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