Regional IT hubs have been opened in the Kyzylorda and West Kazakhstan regions.

To support IT startups and the development of innovative projects in the regions of the country, IT hubs have been launched - Jaiq Hub and Kyzylorda Hub with the support of the Astana Hub.

Regional hubs are engaged in the development of innovative projects in their regions, training, and education of personnel in the IT sphere. They also create local IT communities - a union of startups, investors, and mentors, where all interested parties can join. During the development of startup projects, training in entrepreneurship, assistance in attracting investments, financial accounting, and PR support are provided during the incubation period.

"The IT sphere is one of the most promising and rapidly developing areas in the modern world. Therefore, at Astana Hub, we set ourselves the goal of opening regional hubs throughout the country this year. We are very pleased and grateful that the West Kazakhstan and Kyzylorda regions were among the first to support this idea. We believe that Kazakhstanis have great potential and it is necessary to create conditions throughout the republic so that young people can develop their projects regardless of where they are located in our country or the world," said Alina Abdrahmanova, Managing Director of Astana Hub.

As part of the partnership with Astana Hub, competitions are held among startup projects Idea Battle and Startup Talapker in regional IT hubs, incubation programs for startups at the idea and product creation stages are implemented, and all educational and business programs of the technopark are broadcast.

"Our regional hub is located based on the business incubator of Qorqyt Ata Kyzylorda University and the Center for Information Technologies of the region. Our goal is to support local youth who want to start their own business and develop startup projects but do not have the opportunity. Shortly, we plan to organize Smart City Hackathon, Pecha Kucha Night, and Innofest Kyzylorda in the region," said Zhanarys Tubekebayev, representative of Kyzylorda Hub.

In addition, online learning is available for Startup School for novice startups, No Code courses for developing IT product development skills without using code, and Startup Academy, a program for technological entrepreneurship, in the regions. Various offline and online meetings, training, and workshops are also held where successful IT entrepreneurs talk about IT areas, sales, strategy, and marketing, and share their experiences.

In addition, Startup School for novice startuppers, No Code courses for developing IT product development skills without coding, and Startup Academy, a program for technological entrepreneurship, are available online in the regions. Various offline and online meetings, training sessions, and workshops are also held where successful IT entrepreneurs share their experiences and speak about IT, sales, strategy, and marketing.

"We have already held two meetups - on April 9 and 14. The meetings featured cool speakers in the IT field as well as founders of their own startups. For example, Nurbo lat Amangaliev, founder of the Anthill startup, spoke on the topic of city management and IT development. The event, which was attended by 140 people, generated unprecedented interest. Soon we will have a master class on Google Developer Groups programs," said Omarbek Tashim, a representative of Jaiq Hub.

It is worth noting that regional IT hubs collaborate with Digital Nomads, which includes more than 4,000 talented Kazakh specialists with experience in leading global companies and who aim to contribute to the development of the IT industry in Kazakhstan. Digital Nomads is an association of Kazakh IT company specialists founded by the Minister of Digital Development, Innovation, and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Bagdat Mussin.

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