Make History with Kotler: Applications Open for Startup Competition

A startup competition with the unique opportunity to be featured in the new edition of Philip Kotler's book, Essentials of Modern Marketing: Kazakhstan Edition, was launched in Kazakhstan on September 16. Applications will be accepted until September 25.

The competition aims to identify and support innovative and high-potential Kazakhstan's startups that have achieved significant results in marketing, giving them a chance to gain international recognition.

Startups at the Product-Market Fit (PMF) stage, which have demonstrated clear market demand for their product and found their niche, are eligible to participate. Startups at the Scale stage, which are actively expanding their operations, are also invited to apply. Additionally, projects focused on international expansion and entering new markets can register.

The competition will proceed through several stages:

  • Application Submission: From September 16 to 25, interested startups must register through the website or complete the registration form via the provided link.
  • Application Review: From September 26 to 28, an expert jury will evaluate all submissions and select the best projects for the next stage.
  • Offline Project Presentations: On September 30, selected participants will present their projects in person.
  • Finals: The final stage and award ceremony will take place on September 30. The winning cases will be included in Philip Kotler’s Essentials of Modern Marketing: Kazakhstan Edition.

The competition is organized by EOMM KAZAKHSTAN in partnership with the international technology park Astana Hub and media agency QM Meta.

For more information about the competition and to apply, follow the link.

About Professor Philip Kotler

Philip Kotler is a world-renowned professor of international marketing and the author of over 80 books that have become foundational in the field. Widely regarded as the "Father of Modern Marketing," Kotler has introduced numerous concepts and theories that have shaped contemporary marketing thinking. His books have sold over 3 million copies, translated into 20 languages and distributed in 58 countries.

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