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11 students from different regions of Kazakhstan started their way into the world of IT together with “Rolab Academy” within the “Tech Orda 2024” program

Since September 7, 2024, Rolab Academy has been actively implementing the Tech Orda 2024 program, providing participants with the opportunity to study advanced technologies and develop IT skills that are in demand in the modern world. The program is aimed at creating a solid foundation for training highly qualified IT specialists and covers several areas at once.

At the moment, 11 participants from different regions of Kazakhstan aged 18 to 45 have started training under this program and are already demonstrating excellent results and implementing their own projects. Some of them are planning to present their developments at upcoming competitions, hackathons and game jams.

The main areas of training are:

Game development on Unity 3D: The course includes not only theoretical study, but also practical development of their own game projects. Students work on creating game mechanics, animations and virtual reality implementation.

3D Modeling and Animation: Students delve into the world of 3D modeling by mastering tools such as Blender. As part of the course, they learn how to create realistic models and develop their own animations, which opens up a wide range of perspectives in the development of computer games and virtual worlds.

Electronics and the Internet of Things (IoT): The course focuses on learning the basics of electronics and developing smart devices based on Arduino and ESP8266 microcontrollers. Students create IoT projects such as smart homes and monitoring devices using modern technology.

Robotics and Programming: Students build robots and program them to perform various tasks while learning the basics of algorithms and logical thinking. Learning takes place on LEGO Education Spike Prime, LEGO Mindstorms EV3, Arduino microcontrollers and more.

UX/UI Design: This course allows students to dive into the world of interface design and UX design to learn how to create user-friendly and attractive interfaces for apps and websites. The Tech Orda 2024 program not only provides practical skills, but also helps build critical thinking, creativity, and a willingness to tackle complex problems, which is an important part of a successful professional future.

#TechOrda2024, #AstanaHub, #RolabAcademy

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