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5 Key Problems in Corporate Training and Ways to Solve them

What to do if…

Do managers not see value in employee development?

Don't employees have time for training? 

The company employs people of different ages with different experiences who are not suited to the same training format?

📣 We invite you to an online meeting of HR, L&D and managers 📣

On February 7, an online meeting will be held with HRD Lerna (Marina Arefyeva) and HRD Centras Insurance (Aigul Kuatkyzy), where we will discuss:

✅ key problems of companies in the field of employee development,

cases that helped CIS companies solve their problems in corporate training. 

❗️ For the first time live on Lerna ❗️

Experts in the field of management and employee development will analyze the tasks and problems in corporate training of the event participants. 

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