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Is it relevant to study Kotlin in 2024?

Kotlin, created by JetBrains, has established itself in recent years as a powerful and modern programming language, especially in the Android development ecosystem. However, the question of the relevance of its study in 2024 remains open. Let's look at the main arguments for and against.

  • Google Support: Kotlin is the official language for Android development. Google actively supports it and introduces new features, which makes the language more stable and promising for mobile development.
  • Modern features: Kotlin offers many modern features, such as coroutines for asynchronous programming, advanced collection functions and a powerful typing system, which simplifies and speeds up development.
  • Interoperability with Java: Kotlin is fully compatible with Java, which allows you to use existing Java libraries and gradually switch to a new language without having to rewrite all the code.
  • Community and Resources: The Kotlin developer community is growing, new libraries, frameworks, and learning materials are emerging, making the learning process more accessible and supported.
  • Competition with other languages: Despite its popularity in Android development, Kotlin faces competition from other languages such as Flutter (Dart) and Swift (for iOS). This may limit its use outside the mobile ecosystem.
  • Limited use: Outside of Android development, Kotlin has not yet become as widespread as, for example, Java or JavaScript. Web development and other areas of programming are more likely to use other languages and frameworks.
  • Performance requirements: In some cases, the performance of Kotlin applications may be inferior to similar Java solutions, especially in high-load systems. This is due to the additional abstractions that the language offers.

Kotlin remains a relevant and promising language to learn in 2024, especially if your goal is mobile development for Android. Its support from Google, modern features and compatibility with Java make it an excellent choice for beginners and experienced developers. However, if you are focused on other areas of programming, such as web development or iOS development, it is worth considering alternatives. Ultimately, the choice of programming language depends on your goals, preferences, and specific project requirements.