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BioDS: Pilot Piece

Hello everyone 🌟

My name is Askhat, and I decided to share a part of my life with you, adding a new challenge that I have just taken - to start my blog, where I will share my impressions about the process of becoming a data scientist. I'll call the blog "BioDS" - it sounds just fine, I think)

A bit about me: I am a biologist, a teacher and a forever student, always in search of something new and exciting. I studied Biology and Genetics at Vytautas the Great University (Kaunas, Lithuania), Biology and Ecology in Kazakhstan. More than that, studied data analytics (Coursera certification from Google) and I am also a paramedic. In general, in terms of education, I tried quite a lot of stuff😅

Why did I decide to do this? The idea of blogging has long been beaten by time, but still...

Firstly, I became very interested in Data Science and, frankly, I'm afraid that I don't have enough motivation to learn and understand all the concepts that are difficult for me. A blog is a kind of public contract, an obligation to finish what I started and share the process.

Secondly, I believe that my knowledge of biology will help me contribute to medicine and science through Data Science. I want to blur the boundaries between science and business. Knowledge should not only give intellectual pleasure, but also change the world for the better, right? What better way to come up with than to make knowledge the basis of a business from which all interested parties can benefit?

Thirdly, I want to develop and improve my life, constantly facing challenges. I think that standing still in a professional sense is the same as losing the opportunity to grow and change the world around. I am sometimes told that it is better to stay where I am and my craving for new horizons distracts from the important, and in general, it's not serious, but I stubbornly believe in my own truth)

I'll be honest: I envy (in a good way) those who have clearly known for a long time what they want to do. And how did you find your passion? Share your experience in the comments! 🚀

#newblog #growth #datascience #foreverstudent #biology #career

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