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More than 10 offers were received by students of TechOrda

As part of the Junior Product Manager course, more than 10 offers were received by students.

These are Tele2, QazPost Digital, and BCC, Choco, Kaspi and other companies.

Most often, in addition to Product Management, our guys receive job offers in family specialties such as system analyst, business analyst, project manager and others.

We are glad to have graduates who have managed to prove themselves in the market in just 2 months.

Before the course, there were several materials in the public domain that helped our students start preparing before the start of the course itself, which increases the chance of their readiness in the future.

We also have a number of courses that you can find on the website 

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Tech Orda это одна из тех вещей чем я горжусь Казахстаном! Не каждая страна решится на такой шаг, ведь это не грант на образование, это грант на КУРС.
