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What is a CSI Survey?

Today let's discuss the CSI survey, or Customer Satisfaction Index — the customer satisfaction index. This tool not only measures satisfaction, but also helps to improve it.

Why is it important?

Increase Loyalty: Satisfied customers become loyal customers.

Correction of defects: Allows you to identify weaknesses in your service and eliminate them.

Reputation Improvement: Positive reviews can attract new customers.

What questions should I ask?

Overall Impression Assessment: What is your overall impression of the service?

Staff assessment: How satisfied are you with the professionalism and attitude of the staff?

Product/service evaluation: Does the quality of the product or service meet your expectations?

How to conduct a CSI survey?

Platform selection: Surveys can be conducted via e-mail, mobile applications or a website, such as .

Anonymity: To get honest answers, it is better to make the survey anonymous.

Data Analysis: After collecting the information, conduct analytical work to identify trends and problems.

Ready-made CSI survey template

The CSI survey is not just a "beautiful phrase", but a real tool for measuring and improving the quality of service. If you don't use it in your work yet — choose the right tool for conducting surveys, and the results will not keep you waiting!

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