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DataWagon – online hackathon from PGK

For whom: developers, DS specialists, analysts

When: November 10-12

Do not miss the chance to replenish your portfolio with a cool case and compete for a prize fund of 900,000 rubles.

You can take part in groups of 1 to 5 people. And if you don't have your own team, we will help!

You just need to register and join the participants' chat, where you will definitely find like-minded people.

What awaits you on DataWagon?

  • 3 tracks with business-relevant tasks
  • 36 hours of coding marathon and networking
  • mentoring from experienced experts
  • the opportunity to get into the PGK Digital team

Follow the link to register and find out all the details:

Hurry up. Registration is open until November 6th!

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