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Docker and Lando for LARAVEL

Docker is a platform for developing, delivering, and running applications using containers. Containers allow you to package an application with its dependencies and run it in any environment.

Lando is a local development tool that uses Docker to create isolated development environments. It simplifies the processes of setting up and managing projects.

After installing Docker and Lando, you can start configuring your project using the following commands:

  • lando init: Initializing a new Lando project. This command will create a configuration file.lando.yml, which will contain all the settings of your project.lando init
  • lando start: Launch of the Lando development environment. This command will launch the Docker containers required for your project.lando start
  • lando stop: Stopping the Lando development environment.lando stop
  • lando destroy: Removing the Lando development environment and all related containers.lando destroy
composer create-project laravel/laravel:^11.0 example-app