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Gmail and Yahoo are tightening the rules for incoming mail: what does this mean for owners of their own mail servers?

Maintaining the reputation of your domain or IP address in the online world is becoming an increasingly difficult task for owners of their own mail servers, especially on their own hosting. Since the beginning of February 2024, Gmail and Yahoo have tightened their rules for incoming emails, which has led to the need for more careful control by the owners of mail servers.

For ordinary users, this is good news: stricter rules will reduce the amount of spam in their mailboxes. However, the owners of mail servers will not only have to fight spam, but also monitor the "spam level" from their servers. This means that they now have to control how many users put their emails in spam.

Gmail has been purging inactive accounts since the beginning of February 2024. Moreover, the provider began to closely monitor domains that send more than 5,000 messages per day to Gmail addresses. Google employees explained that many mailing list owners incorrectly configure their systems, which allows attackers to exploit their shortcomings and send malicious emails under the guise of legal ones.

In response to this tightening of the rules for both incoming and outgoing emails, Gmail and Yahoo have identified three key changes:

Email authentication: Senders must verify their identity using the standard protocols SPF, DKIM and DMARC.

Easy unsubscribe: Mass mailing senders should embed a one-click unsubscribe link so that recipients can easily unsubscribe.

Only necessary emails: Gmail and Yahoo actively monitor spam, so senders should ensure that the number of emails sent does not exceed the set threshold of 0.3%.

Thus, when sending emails, you need to take authentication via SPF, DKIM and DMARC seriously. Google has recently started requiring senders to provide any form of authentication, which has significantly reduced the volume of illegitimate mail.

Today, SPF and DKIM support is the absolute minimum for sending emails, otherwise emails can be classified as spam. For DMARC, you need to at least implement the p=none field.

The effectiveness of e-mail as a communication channel directly depends on the satisfaction of the recipients. Therefore, the owners of mail servers should monitor changes in the spam processing rules and take appropriate measures to comply with the established requirements. Mandatory compliance with the requirements of SPF, DKIM and DMARC, as well as compliance with the established spam threshold of 0.3%, becomes a prerequisite for the successful operation of mail servers in the modern Internet space.

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