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Google is getting more expensive! How much will subscription owners have to pay now?

Google has posted an official release about the increase in the tariff plan of its subscriptions!

All monthly business-level collaboration software plans will become a little more expensive, but the annual plans will remain unchanged.

The Starter plan is now 7.2 USD instead of 6 USD;

The Standard plan is now 14.4 USD instead of 12 USD;

Plan Plus — instead of 18 USD, now 21.6 USD;

In the accompanying documentation, Google emphasizes that the changes made to the tariff structure are aimed at emphasizing the additional value embedded in the latest version of the service provided. Special attention is paid to new security management tools and improved administration functions designed to meet the needs of large enterprises.

Recall that there was a similar increase in tariffs in March last year, but they only concerned new users.

And how much do you think Google's services have improved compared to last year?

P.S. Google stop, I was just sad about utilities recently!

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