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The perfect time for a meeting from the Innovative Lab

In today's world, where time is one of the most valuable resources, finding available time is becoming a critical task. The Innovative Lab team creates virtual assistants that allow you to manage time and thereby increase employee productivity. 

At the moment, an AI-based virtual meeting assistant is entering the beta testing stage. This is a personal assistant who will save you from the often lengthy and time-consuming process of organizing meetings. The assistant is able to negotiate with all potential participants, finds the best time slots for meetings, eliminating the need for lengthy correspondence and coordination. 

The assistant has access to work and personal calendars and responds to any changes in real time. Last-minute reschedulings or cancellations in the schedule will not cause confusion thanks to instant notifications.

The virtual assistant himself confirms appointments for available time slots, manages reminders and helps maximize attendance.

The virtual assistant from Innovative Lab will be useful for businesses of any scale. A small business owner can use it to coordinate meetings with clients, freeing up time for strategic planning and business development. In a large company, an assistant can manage the meeting schedule of several teams, ensuring effective communication and reducing time spent on organizational issues.

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