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Alumni Success Stories, from Booking to Meta

Yerd is a graduate of the BDE++ course. This is an advanced version of the Big Data Engineer track, available under Tech Orda grants from Astana Hub.



In general, the most important thing that the course gave is a broader view of the Big Data World and a clear understanding of exactly how distributed systems work, what types of databases exist, what their pros and cons are and where they can be applied. With this basic knowledge, I am confident in my abilities and can start working in any company, adapting to any stack in this field.

Thanks to this, I was able to undoubtedly cope with the tasks that were expected of me in Booking and clearly prove my competence during the Meta interview.

// for the full comment, see the carousel on instagram

ℹ️ Grants for the BDMLE course for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan

ℹ️ BDE++ course

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BigData Team: the way your learn best

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