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"My mission is to unite IT professionals and create a strong community in my region"

My name is Nursipat Tyulyubay, I I work as the regional manager of Astana Hub in Pavlodar region. In the region The main lesson I learned from my experience working in the IT ecosystem is perseverance, one-sidedness and confidence in your work. These qualities help solve many problems. I I try to be kind and tactful, and my job is to develop these skills helps to develop.

My main goal is to be interested in it development of organizations in the field of ICT, a powerful community create and produce strong IT professionals and startups. "Today is better than yesterday, tomorrow than today I adhere to the principle" good". My credo is "do not lie down, but act."

My my professional history begins with the creation of an IT School, where I became a senior IT manager worked. This school has mastered information technology and contributes to the development of the region "I don't know," he said. Later I will develop a new information I moved to the center, and then came to my current position.

I the main motivation for the development of our region in the field of digitalization was. I want everyone to be able to find support, exchange knowledge and create new projects combine all IT professionals and organizations to create one large community I tried. This desire made me want to be able to realize my ideas, and I wanted to be able to make them come true. Astana hub, which can contribute to the development of the IT ecosystem in the region.

Regional the work of a manager requires different skills and knowledge. My multitasking, organizational skills to successfully complete my tasks, it is necessary to speak publicly, understand ICT, and manage startups. Video processing, design development, video shooting, negotiation and all of the process it is important for participants to find common interest and efficiency.

In the region support for startups and entrepreneurs is one of my main tasks. I I regularly hold various events, inform about new programs and negotiations with the akimat on the introduction of an incubator for startups I'm driving. I'm going to tell young people about programs like Startup Garage and AI preneurs I help them participate in the planning and implementation of projects I recommend it. My advice I to EE the following trend, problem in the field of it includes use to solve, CustDev maintenance, and project implementation.

My one of the most important aspects of my work is the creation of an IT ecosystem in the region and development. I know that everyone interacts with each other, and the hub connects them for the creation of a single ecosystem, the center of which is I try to unite organizations. We have created the women's Information Technology Forum we held three forums, including workshops, hackathons and other we are actively holding events.

Partnership with local IT companies and investors plays an important role. I talked about the opportunities that Astana Hub offers, I will show you how you can benefit from cooperation. We are already international startup iproxy, Toraigyrov University, Margulan University, Kazakhstan youth we are working with the Union of business women and the Association of Business Women of Kazakhstan we plan to start cooperation with the regional Palace of schoolchildren.

I The future of the IT ecosystem in Pavlodar region will be discussed by IT Schools companies or sustainable and interconnected, which trains personnel for future startups I see from the creation of the system. We held events and discussed the interests of the population we will increase and support all the startups that pass through us. My my goal is to develop the region in digitalization, give startups the opportunity to reveal their potential help and create a sustainable ecosystem.

Upcoming in connection with the development of IT, robotics and blockchain, I I notice that there will be significant changes in business. These trends are our they will play an important role in our future, and I am sure that the region will be represented by them in order to be able to take advantage of all the opportunities of these changes I'm ready to be there.

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