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IT education in Kazakhstan: the state and prospects of development, popular directions, training programs

IT education in Kazakhstan is under active development. There are many educational institutions in the country that offer courses and programs in information technology. According to , 20 thousand students of IT specialties graduate annually in Kazakhstan. However, even this figure does not close free niches in the industry. In an interview with the online publication President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said: “Just two years ago, the global IT market needed 30 million specialists. Today, the demand is already 100 million, and by 2025 it will increase to 200 million. Obviously, this figure will only increase over time.”

Among the best educational institutions that offer information technology programs, one can distinguish:

International University of Information Technology

Almaty University of Energy and Communications named after G. Daukeev

Kazakh-British Technical University

These universities offer educational programs to train specialists in cybersecurity, computer science and other areas of information technology. 

In general, IT education in Kazakhstan has great potential for the development and attraction of new specialists to the industry.

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