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From Biology to Data Science: baby steps

It's probably a little late to talk about this, but last year I tried to win a grant under the TechOrda program, but at the internal testing stage in EPAM (the courses were provided by them) I lacked 1% of the exam assessment to win. Sad, but all for the best, I think. 

The second attempt - already in August this year - to enroll in the Tech Orda grant program brought a successful result! I was able to enroll in the OutpeerKZ IT School for the Data Science course!
I, a biologist, am entering the fascinating world of Data Science. What attracts me to this area? New knowledge will allow me not only to make a revolution in my career but also to contribute to science. At least, I firmly believe in it.

As a biologist involved in genome analysis, I have seen how important data processing and analysis are for progress in medicine and science. I strive to apply my acquired skills in Data Science to create innovations in the field of medicine and scientific research.

🚀 Are there many brave souls among us who change the course of their different backgrounds?

💻#DataScience #CareerShift #TechOrdaSuccess

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