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Javascript for children: top 11 courses on creating websites for schoolchildren

Virtual life has long been a part of reality. Not only large companies have web pages today. Bloggers, creative and public figures, freelancers and indie brands also need websites that will help attract customers and interested parties.

But not everyone has the desire and the opportunity to delve into the intricacies of Internet development on their own. Often people turn to specialists who provide services for the formation of web pages.

You can test yourself in web development already in the 5th grade. What is useful for such a hobby and how a student can start the practice of creating websites in JavaScript and not only, we tell in the material.

The benefits of Website Writing classes for a child

Plunging into web development, a student begins to feel more confident when working at a computer, gets experience interacting with programs. And, of course, acquires the initial coding skills. Creating websites in Python, JavaScript for schoolchildren is the foundation in the IT field, thanks to which a teenager will be able to develop in the chosen direction.

Another hobby becomes a catalyst for changes in terms of personal qualities. Doing programming, the child pumps:

  • Analytical thinking. In coding lessons, you will have to build logical chains, operate with facts, draw conclusions. You do not need to have such abilities in advance: they will appear in the course of studying the development.
  • Creativity. Creating websites is a creative activity that requires imagination. It is necessary to think over the appearance of the web page, take care of the combination of colors and fonts, pick up pictures and write texts. And, of course, to make readable and understandable code, which is also a creative process.
  • Purposefulness. By designing a website, a student cultivates the ability to set goals, divide tasks into stages and move forward.
  • The ability to admit mistakes. There is nowhere in coding without bugs. The child learns to see and correct mistakes, calmly perceive them and move on without turning off the path.
  • Sociability. It is believed that programming is an occupation for introverts, and there is some truth in this. However, lessons often take place in teams or pairs: students learn to express their own opinions and listen to others, discuss thoughts and ideas, and present projects to the public. And the guys communicate and find friends among their peers.
  • Curiosity. During the development, the child will have to face various spheres of life, broaden his horizons and fall in love with those school subjects that previously seemed boring and difficult: mathematics, physics, computer science, English.

The ability to implement the site will later be useful both for personal purposes and as freelance earnings.

Why you should stop at JavaScript

The JavaScript programming language will prove to be a suitable start for a beginner. There are several reasons for this:

  • The popularity of the language. JavaScript is used to create interactive web pages, mobile applications, and computer games. In addition, the language is developing and improving.
  • Versatility. The language is supported by browsers and is compatible with different platforms.
  • Simplicity. Writing a script in JavaScript is faster than in other IT languages. The amount of code is also relatively small.
  • Developed infrastructure. Developers are in contact with a large number of libraries and frameworks.
  • Efficiency. JS has a high speed of operation, allows you to spend less time opening pages and reduces the load on servers.

Those who have not experienced programming before can also try themselves in JS development. By the way, visualization of actions inspires further learning.

Having learned the basics of JavaScript, if desired, the child will easily master another IT language.

Top JavaScript Web Development Courses

Let's see which IT courses will help a student to test himself in writing web sites.

Age: from 12 to 17 years

At the IT school, teenagers master HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The study is divided into modules: the initial one is devoted to HTML and CSS, the middle one is coding in JavaScript, and the final one will help you get experience working with the ReactJS library. The block consists of 12 lessons of 1.5 hours each.

Let's take a closer look at what is being studied at the levels:

  • Getting acquainted with HTML and CSS, students make websites in the Visual Studio Code environment. And then they fill it with content: embed links, illustrations, tables, lists. It is necessary to think over the display of web pages on devices, to comprehend the concepts of tags and containers, to connect fonts and pseudo-classes. And also animate elements, customize forms and image feed, publish projects on the Internet.
  • Exploring JavaScript, a student will study IT definitions: loops and variables, conditions and arrays, sets and recursions. The guys will program input fields and buttons, implement a calculator and a to-do list.
  • Using the ReactJS library will allow a young coder to develop applications and websites that work quickly. Teenagers will understand how to create user interfaces, flexible websites and distribute components of web pages into parts.

Training formats: online and offline, in a group and in person. Lessons are conducted in a gamified form: game elements are introduced, and for success the children are awarded bonuses, which are exchanged for prizes. This approach inspires and serves as an additional motivation for knowledge.

Students defend projects in front of classmates, parents and a teacher. This will help to win an audience at the initial stages of the site and at the same time hone your oratorical skills. 

Upon completion of the course, everyone receives a personalized certificate, which will be a pleasant reminder of the time spent, confirm skills, convince future clients of the reliability of the performer and will be useful when entering a technical university.

Link to the school's website:

Age: from 12 to 18 years

The guys will explore lists and attributes, encounter paragraphs and containers, learn about the difference between block and lowercase tags. You will have to master the syntax of languages and work on feedback forms, work with backgrounds and colors, think through sections and stylization, comprehend functions and conditions, implement the "Draw" and "Your order" blocks.

The course consists of 8-64 classes. During the study period, the student will make a T-shirt shop and a resume generator.

The program of online lessons is developed personally. At the free introductory meeting, the child will get acquainted with the school, and the teacher will determine his level of knowledge and set educational goals.

Link to the website:

Age: from 10 to 14 years

During the course, the teenager will meet with website implementation tools — from Tilda to HTML. We have to go through the stages of development — from sketching a plan to the final layout. It will not do without communication with the team and presentation of works.

The program includes: design thinking, assembly in a block constructor, writing HTML and CSS code, adaptation to mobile devices, application of UX and UI principles, publication of projects on the Web.

While learning how to create websites on Tilda for teenagers, a student will find himself the author of 5 works that will become the basis of a portfolio. A novice programmer chooses the subject of projects independently.

Lessons of 60-90 minutes combine practice and theory. The study is conducted in a group or in person.

Link to the school's website:

Age: from 12 to 16 years

In this advanced course, a teenager will learn how to make websites and their mobile versions, as well as browser games.

You will be able to learn about the concepts of coding and Internet architecture, get acquainted with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, understand the terms: conditions, loops, functions, arrays, objects. The program includes working with texts and images, layout of tables and studying forms, positioning of elements and grids, regular expressions and algorithms, task runners and testing.

Delving into the features of JS, the child will write a program, break it into logical blocks, face the principles of object-oriented programming and realize how to interact with the user and minimize errors in the code.

Remote classes are conducted privately according to a personal schedule. A student gets a chance to do an internship in an IT company.

Link to the school's website:

Age: from 11 to 17 years

Students study markup and development languages: from HTML to JavaScript. The teenager will master the use of a code editor, the creation of website markup, style management, the introduction of dynamics and animation. And, of course, he will understand the basics of JS syntax, implement pop-up and work with localStorage.

The course includes 36 classes. Online lessons for 60 minutes are held in person or in groups of up to 3 people. The mentor shows the material using a screen demonstration, and future coders apply the knowledge in practice. The teacher monitors the actions of students and, if necessary, prompts.

At the trial meeting, the child is engaged in private with the teacher: he tests the format, gets acquainted with the teacher and implements the project.

Link to the school's website:

Age: from 9 years

The lessons will guide the student along the way of assembling web pages in the Wix constructor. The student will find out about the composition, color solutions, prototypes, typography. The child will learn how to make different types of websites, combine fonts, exploit videos and images, customize animations, and implement a mobile version of the project. The result of the study will be 3 websites and the certificate received.

The online course consists of 80% practice: the student solves a test or performs a task in the format of a game. Homework is checked by the teacher. At each lesson, a student implements a project.

It is offered to take a look at 2 classes for free to determine whether the training is suitable for the child.

Link to the school's website:

Age: from 12 to 17 years

The course is aimed at the implementation of sites in HTML5, PHP, JavaScript, CSS. The guys make up, code, apply style sheets.

A novice developer will be able to write a script in JS, make web applications, form websites, create animated effects, and implement adaptive layout. The result will be 3 projects that will be included in the portfolio.

In classes dedicated to JavaScript, students will master concepts and data types, resort to conditions and cycles, learn how to set algorithms for solving problems in JS and PHP. It will be possible to delve into working with prototype models and asynchronous programming.

The training period is 9 months. 36 meetings are included. Personal and group classes take 60-90 minutes. A free introductory lesson is held: this is a chance to try and feel whether the student is attracted to study. In the final, the student becomes the owner of the certificate.

Link to the school's website:

Age: from 10 years

The student will face the basics of web development, implements web sites and applications, explores HTML, CSS and Javascript.

Plunging into studying JS, the student will delve into the structure of the code and get an idea of working with the browser console to debug the script. IT is planned to study IT definitions: variables and data types, mathematical operations and logical operators, increment and decrement. And also branches and loops, objects and modules, strings and arrays, classes and functions, Canvas and jQuery.

A novice coder will learn how to manipulate the components of a web page, perform smooth transition animations, implement asynchronous requests to the server to receive data.

A teenager will build mini-games — for example, "Guess the number" and "Gallows". It will also be possible to make a simple catalog of films and two-dimensional animations.

The program is compiled by the teacher for the child: the tasks depend on the level. Includes videos, presentations, tests and reference books. The student will be able to participate in hackathons and Olympiads of the school.

The format of study is personal-group or personal. The training will take from 50 to 220 hours. The lesson lasts 60-120 minutes. The trial programming lesson for children is free of charge. At the end of the course, the student is awarded a certificate.

Link to the school's website:

Age: 11th grade

The online course is based on practice and will allow you to plunge into the life of an Internet developer from the first projects.

In JavaScript classes, a student will build a store project and adapt it to devices. It will be possible to master terms and concepts — from conditions to libraries.

At the end of the course, the teenager will complete 5 projects for the portfolio: a website with examples of works, a web portal for travel, a music player, a product page with a built-in three-dimensional model.

The course is scheduled from September to February, but you can join later and see the missed lessons in the recording. The webinar runs for 2 hours. The first lesson is available for free viewing: it will help you make a decision.

Link to the website:

Age: from 10 to 17 years

In the course of creating websites for children, students will learn how to interact with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery. Teenagers will master page layout and the basics of web design.

The student will deduce the rules of Internet design, delve into the basics of coding, embody animated effects, develop the client part of web applications.

The result will be the preparation of personal digital projects: a multi-page website laid out on hosting, and an application with adaptive layout.

Along the way, the teenager will learn how to set and solve tasks, plan and present the finished work.

Link to the website:

Age: from 11 to 17 years

Thanks to the lessons, the child will improve his programming skills in JavaScript, learn how to make entertaining web pages and applications.

Lessons are held one-on-one with a teacher on a flexible schedule. A free trial session is provided. The course of 32 online meetings of 50 minutes is suitable for both experienced guys and beginners.

Upon graduation, the student will receive a certificate, which together with the works will take a place in the portfolio of the future coder.

Link to the website:


Teaching teenagers to create websites is an exciting and useful hobby that can grow into a favorite and highly paid profession. Enroll a student in developing technical classes — and let him know the wonderful world of IT.

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