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How 5G will change the Internet of Things

The 5G standard opens up new possibilities for the Internet of Things thanks to higher speeds and lower latency. Consider the main advantages of 5G for IoT:

5G networks will be able to serve 10 times more connected devices per unit area compared to 4G. This will expand the IoT.

The delay in 5G is up to 10 times less than in 4G. This is critically important for IoT applications such as autonomous cars, remote surgery.

The 5G speed reaches 10 Gbps. This will ensure the rapid transfer of huge amounts of data from IoT sensors in real time.

5G will allow you to launch fundamentally new IoT services that cannot be implemented on 4G due to speed, latency and number of devices restrictions.

Thus, 5G will become the main driver of the development of the Internet of Things in the coming years, opening up new opportunities for consumers and businesses.

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