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How can foreign companies and entrepreneurs participate in procurement on the Common Economic Space

Non-resident suppliers participate in purchases on the Mitwork portal on an equal basis with Kazakhstani companies. The only difference is the procedure for obtaining an electronic signature. Non-residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan receive EDS at the Gamma Technologies certification center. Non-residents undergo the same accreditation procedure as Kazakhstani organizations. We briefly describe the process and attach instructions.

Suppliers order an electronic signature from the Gamma Technologies certification center. To work with EDS, non-residents use the Crypto Socket program. After registration, the supplier companies are accredited.

Participation of non-residents in purchases on the Portal

Customers work with accredited suppliers. Non-accredited suppliers will not be able to submit applications and participate in competitions. Accreditation is not necessary if you are involved in the procurement from a single source by directly concluding a contract. Non-resident suppliers pay for accreditation in a currency that is convenient for them: tenge, US dollars or Russian rubles.

Learn more about accreditation

How to get accredited

Choose a paid or free tariff, depending on which purchases you will participate in and for how much. You can pay for the tariff using online banking, through a correspondent account, or at any bank's cash desk. Non-resident suppliers pay tariffs in a currency that is convenient for them: tenge, US dollars, or Russian rubles.

How to choose and pay for the List of Correspondent accounts tariff

Suitable purchases can be found by keywords, application deadlines, amount, and delivery region. Suppliers can choose their own purchasing area or subscribe to the newsletter. Non-resident participants can submit price offers in any desired currency.

How to apply for participation in the purchase (instructions)

Video (06 min 31 sec): How to apply

  • By email:
  • Through a free online chat on the portal

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