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How to find new customers faster than a competitor

Mitwork has created a comprehensive online GetContract service for entrepreneurs. One of the functional features is working with commercial offers. The service helps you stay ahead of the competition and get in touch with a potential client faster.

Thanks to the service, your offers will reach potentially interested customers who have already ordered similar services and purchased your products.

How to find new customers quickly:


  • Buy a mailing list database, but it is not known if the contacts in it are "live".
  • Search the Internet, but it's a long manual labor.
  • Promote on social media, but the target doesn't always reach the right audience.
  • Call and write to all companies, but it is not known if they need your services.


  • GetContract will help you select those companies that have already bought goods and services from your field of activity.
  • The system will select potential clients for the region of Kazakhstan in which you work or want to work.
  • GetContract can immediately weed out unscrupulous counterparties.
  • Using the service, you will send point-to-point commercial offers to companies that are already potentially interested.

Register, attach a company, try a new service. GetContract has a free pricing plan.

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