How to Launch Instagram Ads to Get more leads. The Case of the Children's Center "Miracle Montessori"

Before getting to know, the Montessori Miracle center was advertised only through the “Promote” button under Instagram posts. This method allows you to reach a new audience, but does not always solve business problems. 

Posts that are promoted inside Instagram usually get a lot of likes and views, because social network algorithms are tailored for this. Instagram shows sponsored posts to those who are willing to like them.

The problem is that such advertising often does not increase the number of targeted actions (website visits, messages and calls). 

When promoting a post from the Instagram application, you cannot specify the interests of the audience or set up ads for the Lookalike audience, that is, for those users who are similar to your audience in their behavior on the Internet. 

The real control panel for Instagram and Facebook ads is Ads Manager. 


But Ads Manager also has its drawbacks . Beginners can find it difficult to put together effective combinations of settings. The tool gives hints with similar characteristics, for example, to the behavior of "parents", the algorithm will offer to add the interest "raising children". These targetings are used by private schools, children's clothing stores, and communities for mothers. The competition for attention (and hence the payment for advertising) is very high with these settings. 

And sooner or later, the audience will “burn out” –  all users matching the description will see the ad. It will be necessary to select new non-obvious combinations of interests. Testing takes time, nerves and money. 

By the beginning of the 2022-2023 academic year, the Miracle Montessori center decided to change its promotion strategy and launch advertising through Ads Manager. But when the time and budget are limited, there is no time to make mistakes. Therefore, the director of the center, Anar Kuspekova, turned to, an advertising reseller on Instagram and Facebook. has a tool for selecting an advertising audience - Targeting Builder. With the help of it Miracle Montessori almost doubled the number of requests from advertising on Instagram in a month.  

But first things first.

Before launch

The goal of the children's center is to recruit new students by autumn. Before the launch of the campaign, there were several conditions: 

  • The business tried to set up ads in Ads Manager for the first time, but there was no established audience. 

  • It was necessary to find suitable options for audience settings right away, since the budget for the first test was limited ($100). 

It's a match!

Anar Kuspekova saw an advertisement for a reseller on Instagram. The service fits the goals of the Miracle Montessori center, because it offers a tool for selecting detailed targeting, assistance in setting up the first advertisement and cashback. 

The director of the center replenished the balance of the Meta advertising account (the owner of Instagram and Facebook) through and used the Targeting Constructor tool.'s Targeting Constructor automatically selects audience interest and behavior settings for Instagram and Facebook ads. The advertiser only needs to copy the selection and use it in the campaign. 

In addition to a ready-made set of settings, the tool shows a reach forecast — how many users can potentially see the ads with the selected parameters. And also – the rating of each targeting: how often competitors use it, what budget they spend on it, and what is the click-through rate (CTR) of ads with this setting. The algorithm has been tested on the experience of real campaigns from 17 business industries.

The Targeting Constructor is available to all customers.

First launch

In June 2022, the Montessori Miracle Center launched the first advertising campaign through Ads Manager with the settings recommended by the Targeting Constructor. Already 3 weeks after the start, they noticed the difference - the application cost $8, and when promoting posts it cost $17

Anar Kuspekova, Director of the Miracle Montessori Center: 

We used most of the recommendations that the Constructor gave us. After the launch of the campaign, the interest of the audience increased: more calls and direct messages from moms and dads began to arrive. We were pleasantly surprised that even a test budget of $100 was enough to attract 12 potential students. Previously, for the same cost, we received only 5-6 applications.




After a successful first launch, it was decided to continue collecting applications for training using Instagram advertising. But in a competitive environment, it’s impossible to stick to one strategy for a long time - you need to increase the turnaround and expand the advertising audience in order to collect the planned number of applications. 


The next steps are to increase the budget and set up Lookalike audiences based on those who Direct messages or reacted to ads. 


With the help of Targeting Constructor, it was possible to collect an audience of young parents. It has over 1500 users, enough to use Lookalike. In July 2022 Miracle Montessori plans to run Instagram Lookalike Ads and track the results.  

Anar Kuspekova, director of the Miracle Montessori Center:

The school year is just around the corner, we decided to increase the advertising budget to $ 1500 in order to get enough mini-groups for each direction. experts told us what Lookalike Audiences are. Now we will use the database, which we have collected according to the Constructor's recommendations, as a "source" for a new promotion. We expect to receive about 80 more applications from the parents of Nur-Sultan. 


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