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How the Tech Orda program helps you get started in IT. The success story of a graduate of the ONESOFT Academy.

The Tech Orda program continues to help citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan achieve incredible success in the IT field. Today we are pleased to share the inspiring story of Kamila Kusmagambetova, who successfully completed the course on “QA testing”, was able to change her profession and achieve significant career success. Her path is an example of how well—chosen training and a well-built goal can open doors to new opportunities and change lives.

Tell us a little about yourself and what you did before you started studying.

-        My name is Camila, I 24 years old. Before completing the course, I worked in technical support as a service manager. Despite my stable job, I have always dreamed of a career in IT and decided to try my hand at software testing. I had no experience in this field, which caused some doubts and uncertainty.

Why did you choose the course The “QA tester” from ONESOFT?

-        The course “QA tester” from ONESOFT seemed to me the perfect solution. I was impressed by the clear structure of the theoretical material and the availability of real tools that are used in the industry. Practical tasks, written tests, quizzes and practical discussions at video meetings allowed me to quickly master new knowledge and gain skills.

How was your training?

-        The training was very exciting and rewarding. The curators and mentors turned out to be very responsive and professional, always ready to help and support. There have never been cases when meetings were postponed or canceled, and technical problems were solved quickly and efficiently. Flexible study schedule allowed me to combine my studies with work, which was especially important to me.

What results have you achieved after completing the course?

-        Thanks to the course, I successfully passed an interview at my company and moved to the position of a Tester. The acquired knowledge and skills were immediately applied in my work, which helped me quickly adapt to new responsibilities. The modules on web testing and database testing turned out to be especially useful for me.

What did you like most about the course?

-        I really liked the detailed feedback from the curators and mentors, which helped to deepen knowledge and improve skills. Video meeting quizzes were a great way to see your progress and the progress of other students, which kept up the spirit of competition for knowledge. I also appreciated the convenient schedule of classes, which allowed me to combine study with work.

Do you have any recommendations for future students?

-        Yes, of course. I advise anyone interested in software testing not to hesitate and sign up for a course from ONESOFT. The course is suitable even for those who are already working and have a busy schedule.

Kamila's story is a vivid example of how the Tech Orda program and the ONESOFT Academy help participants reach new heights in their careers. We are proud of the success of our students and continue to develop high-quality and in-demand education for everyone.

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