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How can I test an idea in 48 hours and not drain the budget? 🚀

Launching a startup is always a risk. Many entrepreneurs spend months developing a product, investing money in it, but eventually face a lack of demand. In order not to be among the 90% of startups that fail, it is important to test the idea in advance. And the good news is that it can be done in just 48 hours!

The mistake of many startups is to immediately create a complete product, hire a development team, and spend months refining it. But this is not necessary at the hypothesis testing stage!

Your goal is to test the key value of an idea. It's enough for that.: Landing page is a simple one–page website where you will talk about the product and collect requests from interested users. Questionnaires – if it's important for you to understand the needs of your audience, you can launch a Google form or a Telegram questionnaire. Telegram bot – if the idea is related to automation, try to create a prototype bot that will show the basic mechanics.

Important: Don't try to create the perfect product at this stage. You need a minimal solution that checks if people have a real interest.

You've made an MVP, but without an audience, the test doesn't make sense. It is important to understand whether your product is needed by someone other than you.

Instagram Facebook, TikTok, TikTok, and other social media platforms Where can I find my first users? 📍 Targeted advertising – launch ads on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or other social media platforms. Even a minimal budget will help you collect the data. Forums and communities – tell us about your product on relevant platforms (Reddit, , Telegram chats, Facebook groups). 📍 Personal brand – if you already have an audience (on social networks, among friends and colleagues), ask them for their opinion and suggest testing the product.

Important! Don't try to sell at this stage – the purpose of the test is to understand if the audience is interested in your idea.

After launching the mini-test, you will see the first results: 📊 How many people visited the landing page? 📊 How many submitted a request? 📊 What comments and questions do the audience have?

If you have received a lot of feedback and requests, it means that the idea is promising – you can go ahead and develop the product. If there is no interest or it is weak, do not rush to get upset. You may need to adjust your positioning, change your value proposition, or test a new audience.

With the Proji Studio team, you will be able to go this way faster, avoid mistakes, and properly prepare for launch. Write to us and we will help you turn your idea into a working business!

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