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How GetContract works

  The program uses big data analysis algorithms. GetContract turns big data into visual graphs, tables, and lists that an entrepreneur can use to make decisions. For example, you need to check the customer or supplier before signing the contract. To analyze the counterparty, the service collects data from open sources.:▪The Government for Citizens Portal ▪Electronic Licensing Portal ▪Committee of Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan ▪State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan ▪Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan ▪Purchases of Samruk-Kazyna JSC ▪Public procurement of the Republic of Kazakhstan ▪The GetContract online procurement service takes information from official sources, so entrepreneurs can trust the information they receive 100%. In addition, making a single request in the system is faster than making inquiries through friends or manually searching for information on the Internet.  

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