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How to participate in tenders for free

Suppliers on different portals work on a subscription fee or transfer a commission from each transaction, that is, they pay for using the portal. There is a free tariff on the Eurasian electronic portal. In this case, suppliers do not pay anything when they apply for participation in tenders. We tell you how to find such lots on the Eurasian electronic portal and where to start in order to participate in purchases for free.

The supplier is first accredited. All suppliers must be accredited, even if they work at a free rate. There are no hidden fees and commissions on the portal, you only pay for accreditation and 0 tenge for a free tariff. 

Accreditation is a verification procedure for companies and individual entrepreneurs. All suppliers who wish to participate in procurement on the portal are accredited.

Learn more about accreditation

The "Basic" tariff operates on the Eurasian electronic portal:

Under the "Basic" tariff, suppliers participate in all types of purchases. Participants can apply for any lots if their amount does not exceed 500,000 tenge. You can participate in an unlimited number of lots.

All tariffs for suppliers

500,000 tenge is not a big purchase, it is convenient to participate in such purchases, for example, to get used to the portal, understand the procurement processes and conclude the first contract with the customer. Small purchases are suitable for small organizations and private entrepreneurs who supply goods. For example, printer cartridges, building materials, tools, stationery, furniture, office equipment, etc. A company can apply simultaneously for several lots below 500,000 tenge, thereby increasing potential earnings. 

Let's take an ad as an example. There may be several lots in one ad. Let's take the ad number 66332: "Purchase of goods for the equipment of the new NIS ENGINEERING laboratory"

Scroll down the ad page to the "Lots in the ad" section:

In the list of lots, the "Total amount" column contains the purchase price for which the customer is willing to purchase the product or service. The supplier in this ad can participate in all lots up to 500,000 tenge.

Click on the lot you want to apply for and click submit an application:

All current lots of all ads are located in the "Lots" section. To view lots only up to 500,000, use the filter:

  • The supplier participates free of charge in lots up to 500,000 tenge.
  • The free rate is suitable for small organizations.
  • Suppliers participate in an unlimited number of purchases within the validity period of the tariff. 
  • There are no hidden fees and transaction fees on the Eurasian Electronic Portal. All tariffs are fixed.
  • All suppliers are accredited, regardless of the tariff the company operates at.

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