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A career in game development. Where to start your journey? Part 2.

We continue the series of articles "Career in game Development", in which G5 Games recruiters talk about how to find a job in the gaming industry. In the last part, we talked about which professions exist in the gaming industry and which soft and hard skills are useful for each of them. And today let's discuss how game dev differs from other areas and how to start your career. 

As you have already noticed, not all professions in game development are directly related to the development and deep immersion in games. You don't have to be an avid gamer to find yourself in this industry. Hence the answer to the frequently asked question:

"Is it possible not to play games and work in game development?".

We answer:

"Definitely, yes!" 

Of course, it is important to understand that the gaming industry still has its own specifics. Even if you don't spend all your time in the vastness of the virtual world, trying on the roles of various characters, solving puzzles or completing strategic missions, it's worth remembering that in this industry you will have to interact with gamers one way or another. Therefore, it is worth considering some features of the corporate game development culture when choosing this area. 

An informal atmosphere. An informal atmosphere often reigns in the offices of game development companies, you can meet your favorite characters or recognizable details from the world of games in the interior, informality and openness in communication are welcome. Most likely, you will not meet serious people in costumes here, usually game developers prefer a creative style of clothing, bright colors or even cosplay. 

Innovations and experiments. Game Dev actively welcomes innovation and experimentation. Companies encourage employees to think outside the established framework by encouraging non-standard ideas and approaches. 

Teamwork. Game development is the result of collective creativity. Employees work in teams where everyone contributes to the game creation process. Brainstorms, where ideas take the form of strategic meetings, often resemble gaming sessions.

A special perception of games. One of the distinguishing features of game dev is the love of games. Most of the employees who are involved in the creation of games are not just doing their job, they are eager to create exciting and high-quality gaming products that bring joy to players. This is evidenced by one of the values of our company – Passion – without which it is impossible to create a really cool product.

If all of the above responds to you, you are definitely in game time!

People of completely different ages and professions come to the gaming industry. There are both recent graduates of universities, for whom game dev has become the first place of work, and specialists with extensive experience behind them.

For example, our company employs employees who came to game dev from completely different fields – there are former engineers, surveyors, scientists and even doctors. At one time, they became so-called "switchers" and changed their professional trajectory, moving from one sphere to another.

If reading this article you have firmly decided that you want to make games and be a part of the game dev universe, then we will tell you where to start.

How do you move from other areas to game development? How to adapt and immerse yourself in the industry faster?

We tell you in order.

Specialized courses. You can start with them. This is not just a study, it is an opportunity to gain basic knowledge and useful professional acquaintances. Here you can find mentors who will help and support you in your development. Try to start with online courses on Udemy or Coursera to get to know your chosen field better and figure out what suits you best. 

Community and networking. It is difficult to overestimate the power of the community, especially for the gaming industry. Chats, forums, and communities are exactly the kind of valuable resource that can and should be used to get to know the industry better and find like–minded people. Go to meetups and game jams, attend conferences, chat in game developer chats. Subscribe to the accounts of companies and well–known specialists on social networks, primarily on LinkedIn. Instagram Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Telegram, follow the G5 Games events on our social networks.

Game Dev-G5 meetup in Kazakhstan

Self-education. To succeed in the profession, it is not enough just to take courses. It is important to constantly develop, learn new things, and be aware of the latest trends. On the Internet, you can easily find articles, books, video tutorials and guides covering various aspects of game creation: from programming and design to marketing and project management. Podcasts, streams from artists, and workshops are an opportunity to get valuable advice and experience from leading industry experts right from the first hand. A big plus is that all this can be done online from anywhere in the world.

Portfolio. In parallel with the development of theory and immersion in the environment, it is important to start forming your portfolio, because it plays a key role in joining the company. There are many game engines, access to educational materials and sites for posting your work. For example, Github for developers, Artstation or Behance for artists and animators. 

Remember that real projects in the portfolio are more important than work from training courses. Although they are very useful for learning and practice, the employer is primarily interested in your ability to work independently, think creatively, and complete tasks in a real work environment.

Job search. It's no secret that game development is a very highly competitive field. Recruiters of companies look through dozens of resumes daily, looking for the best candidates. That's why it's so important to take care of a good resume that will attract the attention of employers and highlight your strengths. 

As for the formal aspects, in G5 Games, first of all, we look at the ordering of the summary – we need a clear structure, content, but at the same time conciseness of the text. A well-structured document shows how diligently and responsibly you have approached the case. And, of course, try to write correctly and avoid mistakes and typos.
It is also important to have an education – formal or informal from the chosen direction. If you have work experience, it is good to indicate not only your responsibilities, but also your successes – what has been done, what results the company has achieved thanks to you. Do not neglect your previous experience if you have previously worked in another field. Try to "adapt" it to the realities of the gaming industry and highlight what is relevant for the new role.
Candidates for individual positions are also considered through the prism of social networks, in particular LinkedIn. For example, for an accountant, social activity is not so important, but for an HR specialist or producer, a wide network and the ability to interact with the audience is a significant advantage. 

We hope these recommendations will help you build a clear trajectory towards your dream career, regardless of your level and experience. And if you are ready to embark on an exciting journey into this industry right now, apply for vacancies at G5 Games. 

Let's create the best games together! 

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