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How to expand the knowledge of the mobile audience about a pharmaceutical product with the help of in-app advertising

When promoting pharmaceutical products, it is important to adjust the targeting parameters individually. For example, some drugs are relevant for an age group, while others are used only at certain times of the year.

Using the example of the promotion of the drug Intellan on the BYYD programming platform, let's look at how to successfully raise the awareness of the audience about the product using accurate targeting and multimedia creatives.


  • Attracting users to the landing page
  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Increasing awareness of the Intellan
  • Expanding product knowledge
  • Stimulating the target audience to buy


  • Rich Media
  • Targeting by socio-demographic characteristics
  • Targeting by interests
  • Setting up relevant interests and application categories
  • Optimization: SSP, categories, applications
  • Yandex. Metrica

Geo: Uzbekistan

The drug Intellan is a means to improve blood circulation in the brain, providing nutrition to nerve cells and helping in the removal of metabolic products. These unique properties make it especially valuable for a certain audience.

We focused on men and women aged 35 to 65 who are actively interested in maintaining health and life balance. Taking into account their needs, we chose an interactive banner format that demonstrated the benefits of the drug Intellan and called for targeted action.

This approach allowed us to effectively convey information about the product to the audience and maximize their interest in using it.

We optimized the advertising campaign based on a thorough analysis of BYYD platform statistics and data from Yandex.Metrica. When choosing applications to host, priority was given to those that demonstrated the best performance, including a low bounce rate, high session duration on the site, deep page views and goal achievement.

During the advertising period, we reached 253,892 unique users, which exceeded the planned targets. The number of clicks was 5,849, and the final CTR was 1.05%.

Behavioral metrics have confirmed the effectiveness of our placement. During the period of the advertising campaign, 5,941 sessions were received, the average duration of which was about 50 seconds, and the bounce rate was 36.2%.

These data confirm that mobile advertising is an effective tool for pharmaceutical brands, whose goal is to expand the audience's knowledge of the product, attract users to the site and keep their attention.

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