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Kolesa Conf 2023: large-scale IT conference will be held on October 7

Conference format-bilingual

On October 7, Almaty hosted the annual event for thousands of developers, managers, QA engineers, data specialists, startups and other representatives of the IT community conference will pass.

This year, more than 30 speakers will make presentations in 4 directions in Russian and Kazakh languages: Web, Mobile, Data and Management. Thanks to simultaneous translation, reports will be available to viewers in both languages.

In each direction Kolesa Group, Reddit, InDrive, Wildberries, ERG Kazakhstan, Beeline Kazakhstan, STRONG, Yandex, Avito, BCC, Hexlet experts prepare 8-9 interesting and useful reports.

Kolesa Conf 2023 you can watch the online broadcast for free. Last year, the broadcast of the IT conference collected 15,000 views on YouTube.

Link you can register through.

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