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Who we are, what Trade Tech is and how it works.

Who are we:

We are a team of enthusiasts who started developing a neural network in 2020 in order to obtain crypto signal analytics for bot telegrams and increase personal passive income.

Having made some progress, we realized that market control in "manual" mode is extremely inefficient and requires automation, and any signals will always be inferior to a competent trading strategy.

The combination of these factors led to the creation of the Trade Tech Club project

What is "Trade Tech"?:

This is a system for automated trading of various coins on most cryptocurrency exchanges, without trust management, deposits in PAMM portfolios and horse commissions from scam brokers.  

The connection takes place via the API based on the client's exchange via WebSocket, which completely eliminates the possibility of transferring and withdrawing funds.

Our goals:

1.      Attracting more ordinary people to invest by simplifying the trading system.

2.      Expansion of trading systems by means of creating a single terminal for different areas.

3.      To create competition for fraudulent brokers with huge fees by reducing the cost of services.

Our plans for the next 5 years.

1.      Access to Forex and automation of the trading system. At this stage of development, the system works only in manual mode.

2.      Cooperation with various brokerage terminals and banking systems

3.      Bringing the project to the stock markets.

To achieve all the goals and set plans, our team is looking for sponsor partners and developers.

In our further posts, we plan to post the results of trading on the cryptocurrency exchange and Forex (as tests are conducted).

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