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Who is a startup tracker and how to become one

We explain in simple language and on specific cases

Launch a new product or open offline sales? Enter another market or look for growth points with an already "established" audience? Business is a battlefield for an entrepreneur, where he needs to be able to make decisions. According to the American consulting company Strategic Decision Group, companies miss up to 50% of potential benefits due to not the most successful decisions.

Entrepreneurs of any level need outside help, including startups. Startup Tracker is a business assistant that helps a startup complete an accelerator program, work out mistakes and achieve results

- holds regular meetings with startups;- sets goals with them and goes towards their realization;- helps with all economic and financial issues.  

But the tracker does not do the work for the startup. He directs it. Andrey Torbichev, head of the Tracker Academy, talks about why this profession is worth attention.

This is the leader of change. A specialist who helps entrepreneurs and teams grow in an uncertain environment. 

The tracker's focus is on three whales:

1) help in finding breakthrough business models;

2) eliminating narrow bottlenecks — see the key indicator that needs to be increased;

3) maximizing opportunities — an entrepreneur without a tracker is aimed at minimizing losses, and with a tracker is aimed at maximizing opportunities.

Due to the lack of expertise and experience, many entrepreneurs have cognitive distortions — traps of consciousness. When making business decisions, they are based more on subjective feelings and desires. And trackers bring entrepreneurs back to the grocery path. Yes, trackers do not have industry expertise, therefore they cannot give advice from their experience. But they develop products according to the methodology. The tracker is designed to lead teams out of a dead end and formulate a key metric — an indicator that can be influenced here and now. And this is not profit or revenue. A good indicator of the tracker's performance is the growth of the key metric by 20% per month.

I'll give you a simple example. An entrepreneur wants to earn 1 million. To do this, you need to sell 100 units of the product. To make these sales, you need to make at least 100 calls with some kind of conversion. The number of these calls is our key metric in this example.

Case No. 1

One medical startup faced a drop in demand during the pandemic. The founders spent $100,000 on advertising, but it didn't fix the situation. Then they hired a tracker for 1.5 thousand dollars. He quickly found out that there was a problem with the conversion. And patients choose the center not for the "professionalism of the doctors", but for the proximity to home. Then they placed billboards in their area with the phrase "Help is 2 minutes away from you." For a budget of 10 times less, patients received a fourfold increase.

Case No. 2

The owner of the paper bracelet factory did not grow revenue. It already occupied 80% of the market and had a turnover of $ 4 million per year. I've reached the glass ceiling, as entrepreneurs like to say. I attracted a tracker and realized that the bottleneck is the average check of $ 50 per client. I introduced a VIP position, which differed only in two things from the standard one - the name and the price. I increased the check by 10%, and the profit by 30. That is, I earned an additional 400 thousand for myself. There has not been such a profit growth in the last 3 years.

Case No. 3

The oil company decided to launch an internal startup. We assembled a team and allocated 1.5 million dollars. Six months have passed — a million has been spent on salaries, office, equipment, taxes, and besides meetings, no one has done anything yet. The interested parties — the board, the security service, the lawyers, the financial service, the team — simply could not agree on everything definitively. They held more than 100 meetings, but the product never appeared. Then they brought in a corporate tracker. A month later, the team assembled a prototype, and a month later the first sale took place. The tracker saved the company 750 thousand dollars in 60 days. And he earned 5 thousand on it himself.

These cases clearly show that the tracker is useful in startups, mature businesses, and even corporations. Over 3.5 years, the Academy's graduate trackers have brought tens of millions of dollars to Sberbank, Yandex, Gazprom-Neft, Kaspi, Pyaterochka, Megafon, VTB, Tinkoff, Avito. As well as thousands of startups and hundreds of mature businesses.

1) Entrepreneurs. If you have already built 1-2 profitable businesses, entering the tracker profession will be easier.

2) Managers. People with experience managing multiple teams or just a large number of people know how to properly set up processes and work.

3) Marketers. Because these are specialists who are always at the "cutting edge" of the business. They are constantly thinking about people's behavior and needs, and how to sell them a particular product/service.

If you belong to at least one of these three categories, you can safely try out for the role of a tracker.

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