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🚀 BDMLE course, Tech Orda, 40+ grants for 600,000 tenge

Big Data / Machine Learning Engineer (BDMLE) is not only valuable acquaintances, but also more than six months of advanced training at the flagship BigData Team courses:

0️⃣ Python for analyzing [big] data

1️⃣ Industrial development course in Python

2️⃣ Practical course on Big Data

3️⃣ Practical course on Machine Learning

Key information

✍️ Testing information and testing itself

▶️ Video about the school and the BDMLE course (11 minutes)

– Selection for the course - July

– Start of training - September

– The grant amount is 600,000 tenge

– Number of grants - 40+

Selection stages

We will contact everyone who passes the test for:

a) grant approvals

b) issuing recommendations for preparation for the next year

To make it easier for both you and us, we will make several waves of candidate selection and grant approval based on the test results:

— I wave (passing the test before 23:59, 14.07)

— II wave (passing the test before 23:59, 21.07)

— III wave (passing the test before 23:59, 28.07)

Write any questions in the comments to the post or by email

Last, but not least

According to the rules of the Tech Orda competition, do not forget to register on the Astana Hub portal and apply for a course (for example, BDMLE 🫶).

We will be grateful for the support (likes, comments) and reposts. Grants are available to citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 18 to 45 years old. If it is suddenly not relevant to you, then you probably know who to forward this information to 🤗

BigData Team: the way your learn best


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