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LMS for online school

We launched our first project in online education back in 2010, when automation tools practically did not exist. We made our own payment acceptance script with automatic content delivery, began to sell it and actively use it in our businesses.

Customer requests grew, as did the number of courses they bought. We have added a buyer's personal account to our script so that students can conveniently study them in one place. So our script also became an LMS - Learning Management System (Learning Management System).

Over time, the platform has become overgrown with opportunities: it moved to the cloud, added built-in CRM, testing functionality, analytics, a webinar platform and much more. Our methodologists, in turn, developed a course on web development and we launched the online school of IT professions Arnion, became participants of the Tech Orda program.

It is valuable for us and our students that we are "playing coaches": we teach what we are good at doing ourselves. All our clients use the student's convenient personal account. Webinars, tests are held on the same platform, certificates are obtained (including we issue them on the blockchain using integration with our service /).

There are 3 groups of LMS users: students (most of them), teachers (curators) and administration. Separate interfaces are required for each of these groups: 

  • the student needs to watch the courses and answer the tasks;
  • the teacher or supervisor checks the assignments (sometimes adds material);
  • the administration controls the processes of the online school.

In our case, the students are the most numerous and are the main client, so the focus has always been on them. Immersed in the learning process, the student should spend maximum time on the platform without switching to other services. 

That is why we have implemented all the basic functionality in the student's personal account:

  • viewing lessons (video, audio, text material);
  • answers to tasks in different formats: text, files, tests, voice messages (relevant for English courses, for example);
  • easy navigation through lessons and courses;
  • the ability to view the course on all types of devices;
  • participation in webinars;
  • a convenient form of appointment for a consultation with a teacher;
  • calendar of events;
  • support service;
  • the ability to view your course orders and manage payment invoices.

With the growing number of teachers, we have paid close attention to the convenience of their interface: the differentiation of access rights, the possibility of checking reports and communicating with students, adding materials to the course. Currently, more than 200 thousand reports have been checked on the platform.

At the same time, the school administration should be able to control all processes: see the tracking of students, configure the course format, evaluate the quality of teachers' work using built-in analytics.

If you have an online school or corporate training with more than 20 students, then you should definitely think about organizing training using LMS. Up to 20 students can easily cope with a combine from a Telegram group, the issuance of content in Notion or Google Docs, and videos via YouTube with access by link.

With the appearance of several teachers and several dozen students, accounting becomes increasingly difficult. It makes sense to use a solution like ours with a constant flow of students from 30 people per month (preferably 100) in order to fully evaluate the possibilities of managing an educational business on one platform (accepting payments, mailing lists, personal account, webinars, analytics, etc.). And, of course, only with a large flow of students it will be economically feasible.

If you need to implement LMS in your business (we supply boxed solutions for large online schools), write

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