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Hackathon method for the development of professional language competence in a multicultural environment

The article describes the hackathon method as an innovative approach to language learning with an emphasis on the development of professional language competence in a multicultural environment. The hackathon method is a system of teamwork that includes the practical application of language skills, the integration of various teaching methods and the active participation of students. The article discusses the principles and stages of the method's implementation, provides examples of its successful application in various educational contexts, and analyzes its effectiveness and prospects in the context of modern language learning.

The article describes the hackathon method as an innovative approach to language learning with an emphasis on the development of professional language competence in a multicultural environment. The hackathon method is a system of teamwork that includes the practical application of language skills, the integration of various teaching methods and the active participation of students. The article discusses the principles and stages of the method's implementation, provides examples of its successful application in various educational contexts, and analyzes its effectiveness and prospects in the context of modern language learning.

Macalada Hackathon adisi kop madenietti ortada kasibi tildik kuzyrettikti damytuga basa nazar audara otyryp, tildi okytudyn innovatiyalyk tasili retinde sipattalgan. Hackathon adisi-buldildik dagdylardi praktik koldanudy, arturli okytu adisterin biriktirudi zhane studenterdin belsendi katysuyn kamtityn uzhymdyk zhumys zhuyesi. Macalada adisti iske asyrudyn principteri men kezenderi talkylanady, ony arturli bilim I take contextterinde satti koldanu mysaldary keltirledi, sonymen katar onin tiimdiligi men kazirgi tildik okytu contextindegi perspectivalary taldanady.

In the modern world of education, innovative methods and approaches aimed at the effective development of students' language competence in a multicultural environment are actively developing. In the context of language learning, especially in multilingual societies, it is becoming increasingly clear that traditional teaching methods may not be sufficient to fully master language skills and adaptation to a variety of language environments.

One of the promising areas in education is the integration of the hackathon concept, which, although originally developed to solve technical problems in the field of information technology, is now widely used in other areas, including language learning. A hackathon is an intensive event where participants work in teams to jointly develop a solution to a given topic or problem in a limited period of time.

In the context of language learning, hackathons can be a powerful tool for developing students' professional language competence. They allow students to apply and improve their language skills in real-world situations of communication and collaboration, as well as contribute to the development of teamwork skills, creative thinking and problem solving.

In the context of the multicultural environment of Kazakhstan, where multilingualism and a multicultural society exist, the development of a new hackathon method for language learning seems to be an extremely urgent and necessary task. This method should take into account the peculiarities of the language environment, cultural contexts and the needs of students in order to ensure maximum effectiveness and relevance in teaching.

The hackathon method for language learning in the multicultural environment of Kazakhstan is an innovative approach based on the principles of active participation, collective problem solving and practical application of language skills. This method aims to ensure the effective development of students' professional language competence through the integration of a variety of teaching methods and the practical application of acquired knowledge in real situations.

The goals of the hackathon method are:

  • Encourage active participation students in the educational process.
  • Develop communication skills on language in a multicultural environment.
  • To increase students' motivation to learning a language through the practical application of knowledge.
  • To support collective learning and collaboration between students of different cultures and languages.

The basic principles of the hackathon method:

1.    Teamwork: participants form teams of several people with different levels of language training and work on a common project.

2.    Practical application: the tasks and projects solved during the hackathon are focused on real situations of communication and professional activity.

3.    Integrative approach: The hackathon method integrates various teaching methods, including grammatical, communicative and cultural aspects of the language.

4.    Active participation: Students actively participate in discussions, work on projects and presentations of their results in front of an audience.

5.    Feedback and reflection: After completing the hackathon, participants receive feedback from the jury and, in fact, reflect on their achievements and problems.

The stages of implementing the hackathon method:

1.    Preparation: defining the goals and topics of the hackathon, forming teams, developing tasks and projects.

2.    Implementation: the implementation of the hackathon in the format of an intensive event, including work on projects for a limited time.

3.    Presentation: Teams present their projects and results in front of the jury and the audience.

4.    Evaluation and feedback: The jury evaluates the projects and gives feedback to the participants, which helps them better understand their strengths and weaknesses.

The tools used for the hackathon are:

1.    Online Collaboration Platforms: Interactive online platforms that allow teams to work together on projects remotely.

2. Multimedia resources: the use of video, audio and other multimedia materials to present projects and results.

3.    Evaluation criteria and categories: development of clear criteria for evaluating projects and categories for feedback to participants and the jury.

This hackathon method represents an innovative and effective approach to language learning, which actively engages students in the learning process, stimulates the practical application of language skills and provides a variety of methods and tools to achieve educational goals.

The hackathon method in language learning provides unique opportunities for students to actively apply and deepen their language skills in real situations, as well as for teachers to create a dynamic and interactive educational environment. Below are detailed cases demonstrating the implementation of the hackathon method in various aspects of language learning.

Case 1: I am a zykov hackathon for the development of a multimedia tutorial

Purpose: to develop a multimedia textbook for learning Russian as a foreign language.

Stages of implementation:

1.    Team building: students are divided into groups of 4-5 people with different levels of language competence.

2.    Planning: Each group analyzes the needs of the students and determines the topics that will be included in the study guide.

3.    Materials development: students create texts, audio, video and interactive materials adapted to different levels of language proficiency.

4.    Assembly and design: Groups assemble and design materials in the format of an electronic textbook using available platforms and software.

5.    Testing and editing: The textbook is tested by students and experts, and then adjusted based on feedback.

The result: the creation of a high-quality textbook adapted to the needs of students, promotes their active participation in the learning process and deepens their language skills.

Case 2: language hackathon to create a multimedia project about the culture of the country-the language being studied

Objective: to develop a multimedia project highlighting the cultural characteristics of the country where the language being studied is spoken.

Stages of implementation:

1.    Research preparation: students study the cultural characteristics of the chosen country and form specific topics for the project.

2.    Project development: teams create multimedia materials such as videos, presentations, interviews with native speakers reflecting the cultural aspects of the chosen country.

3.    Presentation of the project: Each group presents its project in front of an audience, including students and teachers, and answers questions.

The result: students not only deepen their language knowledge, but also expand their cultural understanding and intercultural competence through the creation and exchange of multimedia projects.

Case 3: language hackathon for creating online language learning games

The goal: To develop online games that will help students develop language skills through gameplay.

Stages of implementation:

1.    Game conceptualization: Teams work out ideas for games, taking into account the level of language proficiency and student preferences.

2.    Designing Game Mechanics: Students identify the basic game mechanics and game goals that will contribute to the development of language skills.

3.    Game content development: Teams create texts, audio and video materials, as well as gameplay elements for games.

4.    Testing and Editing: Games are tested among students and adapted based on feedback.

The result: the created online games become an interactive tool for language learning, attracting students and motivating them to actively study.

Case 4: language hackathon for the organization of cultural events

Purpose: to create cultural events that promote students' immersion in the linguistic and cultural environment of the language being studied.

Stages of implementation:

1.    Concept preparation: Teams develop ideas for cultural events that will be interesting and informative for students.

2.    Organization of events: students plan and conduct cultural evenings, exhibitions, film screenings or literary meetings.

3.    Student engagement: Teams actively involve students in activities by organizing contests, games, and discussions.

4.    Evaluation of the results: after the events , their effectiveness and impact on the linguistic and cultural learning environment are analyzed.

The result: Cultural events become an effective means to immerse students in an authentic linguistic and cultural environment. Participation in such events allows students not only to expand their linguistic horizons, but also to better understand the cultural characteristics of the language being studied and its country of origin.

The hackathon method in language learning provides a number of significant advantages and prospects, especially in the context of a multicultural environment. Let's look at the main advantages and potential prospects of using this method:

In general, the hackathon method is a powerful tool for developing students' language competence in a multicultural environment. Its advantages and prospects demonstrate the importance and potential of this method in modern education. Further research and practical application of this method can lead to new innovations in the field of language learning and intercultural interaction.

Hackathons allow students not only to actively apply their language skills in practice, but also to develop skills of collaboration, creativity and innovation. Participation in such events contributes to deeper and more sustainable language acquisition, as well as the formation of intercultural competence and respect for cultural diversity.

However, despite all the advantages, the hackathon method requires further research and development. It is important to continue working on the development of new hackathon formats adapted to different educational contexts and student needs.

We are confident that further research and practical application of the hackathon method in language learning will lead to new discoveries and innovations in the field of education. This method promises to be an important tool in the formation of global citizens who are able to function effectively in a multilingual and multicultural world.

Bibliographic list

1. Lvova V. N. From participation in an educational hackathon to studying at a project school //Information technologies in education. - 2020. – No. 3. – pp. 117-120.

2. Nestratova E. D., Samylkina N. N. Planning a hackathon as a form of project implementation //Education. Technologies. Quality. – 2019. – pp. 116-121.

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