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Mobile advertising of the Perfect brand on the BYYD platform

How we managed to increase the brand awareness of the Perfect washing powder among users of mobile apps is described in this case study.

Among our tasks were:


  • Enhancing brand recognition.
  • Driving user traffic to the designated landing page.
  • Increasing user awareness of the brand.


  • Video content
  • Targeting based on socio-demographic characteristics
  • Relevant interests

Geo: Kazakhstan

To reach the target audience, a combination of targeting was used: by socio-demographic parameters and by relevant user interests.

Socio-demographic parameters were adjusted for men and women of the age range from 25 to 64 years. And current interest groups include: 

Shopping/ Shopping/ Natural/ Organic/ Clothing/ Online Shopping/ Marriage/ Family and Parents/ Parents of preschoolers / Parents of teenagers / Children/ Family holidays/ Walks

The advertising campaign took place in 3 flights.

The optimization of the advertising campaign was carried out according to the statistics of the BYYD platform. Apps with a low CTR were entered in the Black List.

As a result, with the help of daily manual optimization, competent targeting and other tools, we managed to reach a CTR above the planned value.

In addition, we managed to exceed all key indicators in all 3 flights.

Read more on the website.

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