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MyBPM is leading Kazakhstan into a new era of business process automation. New participant of the Astana Hub Technopark

Company MyBPM is pleased to announce the entry into Technopark "Astana Hub". This event highlights our status as a leader in the field of business process automation and opens up new horizons for cooperation and development.

We actively cooperate with the largest banks and microfinance organizations Over the past 16 years, the CIS has become the leading experts in business process automation in the financial sector. We are proud of our partners and strive to further develop them by offering advanced automation solutions.

One of the striking examples of our successful work is the project with the microfinance organization Mashang Consumer Finance in China. The introduction of MyBPM allowed the automation of the call center, which processes 30 million calls per day and led to annual savings of $ 2.5 million.

We are not resting on our laurels and ambitiously plan to enter the TOP 10 no-code platforms in Europe and become No. 1 in the CIS. Our participation in Astana Hub allows us to take advantage of all the advantages of the technological community and contributes to the accelerated development of the company.

Our mission is to make automation accessible to everyone. We believe that every company should be able to take advantage of modern technologies to increase efficiency and competitiveness. The MyBPM platform is completely alienable, which allows companies not to depend on the software provider and independently manage their business processes. At the same time, programming skills are not required to use the platform , which makes it accessible to a wide range of users.

MyBPM confidently looks to the future, striving for new heights in the field of automation, and our flexible and independent platform It opens up unlimited opportunities for companies to effectively manage their business.