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Learn how to control drones before they learn how to control you!

A two-day intensive training course on the basics of drone control was held at the Kyzylorda Hub. During the event, more than 20 participants mastered the basic piloting skills of unmanned aerial vehicles and gained valuable knowledge about the use of drones in various fields.

The intensive course included theoretical classes and practical trainings covering the following aspects:

  • The basics aerodynamics and drone designs
  • Principles management and safety of flights
  • Practical piloting exercises in various conditions
  • Review modern technologies and applications for drones

Kyzylorda Hub, in cooperation with the Institute of Artificial Intelligence, plans to launch a laboratory for the assembly and control of drones for agricultural and industrial purposes. As part of the laboratory's activities, experts from South Korea will train hub residents in modern technologies and techniques, which will allow them to become leaders in the field of unmanned technologies.

Intensive and upcoming initiatives are aimed at developing technical skills and innovative solutions among the participants. This is especially relevant in light of the growing role of unmanned technologies in various industries, including agriculture, logistics, construction and security.

The drone Assembly and Control Laboratory will become a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience, as well as for research and development in the field of unmanned technologies. Residents of the hub will be able to benefit from the support of experts from South Korea, which will provide a high level of training and opportunities for professional growth.

In addition, regular workshops and master classes are planned to help participants constantly improve their skills and keep up to date with the latest trends and innovations in the field of drones.

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