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Don't waste your time fighting the IT Giants!

When Mike Tyson became the greatest champion of his time, he was inspired by the legendary Muhammad Ali. Now imagine: if it hadn't been for Ali, would Tyson have become the man we know today? Not a fact!

This proves one thing: everyone has the right to compete, strive for the top and become a legend. Healthy competition and inspiration from great people or companies are what drives progress!

Thinking and comparing are useful, but acting and creating are more important. Instead of just watching others succeed, spend your time making your dreams come true.

Look at the giants, learn from them, copy the best – and do what they can't! Believe me, even the greatest have weaknesses, and they can't do everything. This is your chance!

Strive for the top, be inspired by the best, and then become someone from whom others will learn!

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Очень хорошая мысль но по моему заголовок вводит в заблуждение.Даже если Али вдохновлял Тайсона я не думаю что Тайсон не мечтал его однажды победить


Согласен с Вами Магжан! Возможно, я просто этим хотел привлечь внимание читателя.
