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πŸ”¬ Science and Technology news, LLM review, arXiv

Large Language Models: A Survey

by Shervin Minaee, Tomas Mikolov, Narjes Nikzad, Meysam Chenaghlu Richard Socher, Xavier Amatriain, Jianfeng Gao

Why you should pay attention to this article: Thomas is one of the authors of word2vec, an approach that turned the NLP world upside down in 2013 (42k citations), and has already collected more than 100k citations during his scientific career.

Let's compare: Yann LeCun, lauret of the Turing Award for sensational neural Networks, has 3 articles with more than 10k citations. One of the leading scientists on recommendation systems, Joe Konstantin, has only one and has not yet reached 100k publications.

The structure of the article:

* Large Language Models

* How LLMs are built

* How LLMs are used and augmented

* Popular datasets for LLMs

* Prominent LLMs’ performance on benchmarks

* Challenges and future directions

Fly in, hurry up, buy and study painting! (classics of the genre)

Another author has been singled out, why? πŸ€”

For a like and a repost in karma plus

#study #work

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