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From 2D/3D animation to creating a mobile Web application for sales representatives.

Sifro LLP is a company that develops software. Last year, the company participated in the Techord program organized by AstanaHub. One of the students who passed through this program was Beisenbayev Isatai Kenzhebekovich.

Isatai studied at the Sifro LLP school for creating 2D/3D animation. After that, he decided to apply the acquired skills in UX/UI design. He launched his own project to create a mobile Web application for sales representatives.

In this project, Isatai was responsible for the design and creation of the prototype application. He also participated as a Product Manager.

The product itself was designed as follows:

• Frontend was written in C#;

• The backend was based on 1C Enterprise.

Since 1C Enterprise was an old version, there were problems with integration with Web services. However, by selecting different solutions and team cohesion, the project was implemented.

Currently, an application for sales representatives is being implemented by one trading company.

Isatai Beisenbayev is a talented young man who successfully combines animation, design and software development skills. His project to create a mobile Web application for sales representatives is a vivid example of how the skills acquired at school can be applied in real life.

Additional information:

• Isatay Beisenbayev was born in 1983 in Turkestan.

• In 2004, he graduated from the Ulagat Academy with a degree in Computer Science.

• He currently works at Sifro LLP as a software developer.

Call to Action:

If you want to learn more about Isatai Beisenbayev's project, visit the website of Sifro LLP or contact the company by phone.

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